Are you ready to make a Change in your Life? Do you want more Time and Freedom? We can show you how we made the economy work for US

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Mom is 70 Today

Today is my Mommy's Birthday. This is the woman that sewed almost all of our clothes when we were kids (maybe not all of my brothers) and all we wanted were a few "store bought" items or at least to be able to wear a pair of pants to school (I think I was in the 3rd or 4th grade before that ever happened).

We had no idea that we had "CUSTOM" clothing made of the "finest Corinthian Leather" (okay, I'm going a bit far) But serirously wouldn't you kill to have someone "FIT" you? Now I'm not saying that it didn't come without a few pokes and a litte bit of pain and Mom wasn't above giving your pony tail a tug if you were wiggling a bit much for her to get her work done and you better not talk back. Really, she had some deadlines! Heck, Days of Our Lives came on at 3 PM.

This is the gal that kept the household together, got us to our activities, Packed for us when we went on vacation and planned our birthday parties.

I can never remember a time when she forgot to pick us up or was even late. She kept our lives perfectly scheduled. When it came time to sell my girlscout cookies, she gave me a phone list, a "loose script" and handed me the phone, then she sat with the order form and a pen and marked down all of the orders. Thanks Mom for being our secretary too.

Thank you Mom for making us write a good thankyou note when we were young, it has come in handy over the years and that is something that I really appreciate. I know that some of these things seemed so un-appreciated by us at the time I'm sure you got the hint(and I speak for all 3 of us) but I also remember that you told us all that we would "Thank You Later".

So I know you are not one to tell me "I told you so", you did tell us all and I do thank you Mom and I want you to know you are so appreciated.

Happy 70th Birthday Mom, You don't look a day over the speed limit. (55 that is)

Love You!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is It Your Responsibility?

Is It Your Responsibility?

Did you ever notice how people like to blame others for their misfortune? Yet when they have tremendously good luck they brought it about all on their own? It seems to be human nature now days to not take responsibility for our actions if they are unfavorable.

It is so Easy to blame a bad childhood or broken home, un-loving spouse or out of control kids; forces that are beyond what we can control.

In reality it is your choice not to let the stress of everyday life impact you in a negative way. It’s up to you to make wise choices today so that your future will look brighter.

Do not let your past control your destiny or you will be caught up in what is history and cannot be changed. Always look forward, never back.

You are responsible for your successes as well as your failures. You are where you are because of the choices you have made in the past, a past that cannot be changed. You are where you are today because of the way you think. If you wish to transform, change the way you think.

Mentally- Make the decision today to take responsibility for your choices and begin the process of transforming.

Emotionally- Make a decision to take control, make the choice to be happy and optimistic because life is worth living.

- Find a place in your heart that you can connect yourself with something greater than you are.

Physically- Treat your body like the temple that it is. Start eating nutritious foods and giving your body the exercise it needs every day.

Financially- Time to stop ignoring what is going on and hit it head on. It’s not going away any time soon. If you don’t take care of your finances your finances won’t take care of you.

Seek the company of people that are doing good things in the world and set a high standard. Associating with people that are working and striving to bring about positive change, making decisions to change and therefore bringing about change helping where you can and expecting nothing in return

Make the best decision you can quickly and then work with the decision to make it right, stand behind your decision.

You control your thoughts, and you control your emotions. Never ask the question
“Why me?” but ask the question “why the heck not me?” Your choices have led you to your present. When faced with opposition or challenges, relish those times because that is when you have the biggest opportunity to grow.

Change can always be reversed but a TRANSFORMATION is complete and final.

When faced with adversity always look at it as an opportunity to make a choice. Adversity is never a problem; it is a chance to learn. Adversity is preparation for the greatness to come, so get prepared for something great.

Accept responsibility for all of your past
Accept responsibility for all of your success
You are in control of your thoughts and emotions
Accept responsibility for where you are in the present.
Take control of your future by making good choices today, in the present.

visit us at:

Friday, November 6, 2009

Carbon Copy Pro

Carbon Copy Pro puts on the best Marketing Events that we have ever attended.
They have done tremendous research in producing Carbon Copy Pro. These guys have a heart and they care about your struggles, that is why they created Carbon Copy Pro.

Have you ever known someone that has unlocked some doors but they don't want to give you any of the keys. They are so protective of "their information" and they are vain enough to think they are the only ones that have that information.

Oh how wrong they are. Aaron Parkinson and Jay Kubessek know their information and then some. The difference between the two is that Aaron and Jay WANT you to succeed and they are going to give you the "secrets" that the others are "afraid" to tell.

When we went to our first Master Marketing Event we were amazed at the networking going on. I mean TRUE networking. Not just a how are you what is your name, do you have a card type of networking.

The type of networking I'm talking about is they actually have their computers out and they let you INSIDE. Everyone involved feels like they are on the same team even though there is some healthy competition going on amongst friends so nothing is "cut throat".

I came to realize that everyone has just a little different way of thinking and different energy and the big thing is imagination seems to be infinite and everyone has a different take.

So if you follow someone to the "T" and do everything they are doing, when you put your "spin" on it, your individuality comes out and you are different from all of the rest.

We have made a commitment to our self and we have changed our life.

and we have so much fun doing what we are doing.

When I was Growing up all the parents could tell me is that you get good grades in school, then you go and get a good job and keep it so you can retire from that job.

I realize that my parents didn't have a Chrystal ball to look into the future but times have changed and retirements have gone by the wayside. Corporations are making cost cutting decisions and they don't really care about you. Who cares? YOU DO, and you are the only one that can really look out for your best interest.

go to:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Choice of a lifetime

What are the choices you are making in your life?

We all make choices every day. These are the choices that bring us to where we go. The choices you made last week or month has brought you to the point we are at this moment.

Do you make a choice each day to get up and do the same thing that you did the day before?

Are you satisfied with the place you are? Do you feel it is your “destiny” to be in a mediocre place, making mediocre money?

I am here to tell you that it isn’t. There isn’t “destiny” when there are choices because there is more than one out-come when the choices are many.

Quit using the excuse that your “fate” was “pre-destined” because that is all it is, an excuse. It is a cop out for not making a choice to make a change.Taking responsibility is the first step. Knowing when to make a move forward, start the change that you want in your life.

Only you can make that choice. And after the choice is made only you can carry it out.

Sometimes you might “drift” backwards; you have to be on the look out. Catch it early and get it turned around with baby steps.

Put one foot right in front of the other, on a straight path to all of the things that you want for your life.

To find out more go to:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another Year Older or Another Year BETTER?

Today I woke up and knew I would be another year older, just a little bit later into the day.

I knew my life had changed, and I appreciate how happy I am in that life.

Of course my wonderful Hubby had a fabulous day planned full of the things I love to do.

In the past, I cleared my day of work and refused to talk about it the entire day. No work and no talking about work.

So this morning I was surprised to find us talking about our work. Gordon suddenly stopped talking and his eyes got wide. He said we needed to stop talking about work, it was my birthday and my reply was, "that's okay, it's fun"

Wow! Talk about a transformation! Work is FUN! We were putting our heads together and being creative, that is our work and we were having fun. We planned what we were going to do the next day for a while and then we continued about our day. Putting work aside because we can.

Spending the entire day together was the best part of my birthday. We have such a good time.

We went into a shop in Bend and found these red cowboy boots. I have been looking for a while for the right pair of USED boots and there they were, and here they are. No sooner had we gotten home and my cowgirl neighbor called and invited me on a ride with them tomorrow.

It is so fun to get out into the fresh air on my sweet girl Ebony (my neighbor so graciously lets me ride her beautiful horse). Three girls, three horses and the wild blue yonder.........I am going to have sweet "cowgirl dreams" tonight, Yahoo!

visit us at:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Emotion do you feed?

What Emotion Do You Feed? Check Out My New Blog Post At:

The Good, The Bad and How It Can Get Ugly

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about

a battle that goes on inside people. He said, 'My son, the
battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all. One is Evil.
It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance,
self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride,
superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace,
love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence,
empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.' The
grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his
grandfather: 'Which wolf wins?'

The old Cherokee simply replied,

'The one you feed.'

I heard this and I thought to myself, Wow, is that the truth or what?

How many people do you know that feed the negative, anger and resentment?

Select the people that you associate yourself with very carefully because a portion of what they are will eventually rub off on you.

Our hearts know how we feel, we call it our "gut" feelings but it is actually your heart's electrodes responding to what you are physically doing and mentally thinking.
When we do good, we feel good and likewise when we do something not so good we feel bad (at least you should).

In order for something to grow you need to feed it. So make a choice to choke out the anger, resentment, disappointment, hatred, jealousy, envy, sorrow, judgemental, negative, arrogant, greed.

It needs to be a choice and eventually it will be a way of life because the choice will be to feed the positive things in life. The things in life that we look back on with fondness, that bring a smile to our face. Those are the things that need to be fed.

Share happiness, love, compassion, benevolence, generosity, faith, hope, kindness, empathy, serenity, and friendship.

They are so much more fun to share. There is nothing better than a big smile or better yet laughter that comes from the heart.

To find out about a healthy lifestyle visit us at:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New blog post today about increasing your knowledge. What is life teaching you?

Increasing Your Knowledge

I woke up this morning and wondered, "what will I learn today?"

Each day is an opportunity to increase your knowledge of the world.

With each experience there is something to be learned. And that something is different for everyone.

For instance, I had an appointment to have my teeth cleaned the other day. I realize that people have many different emotions about sitting in the dentist chair. Well, it doesn't bother me so I sit down and open my mouth. What I learned is that I was missing brushing some teeth and I was paying attention to where those areas were.

I said something about missing some spots and the hygienist was surprised that I was paying attention so that I could improve my brushing. She said that most people were just interested in the office gossip and she wished more people would pay attention and at least floss once in a while.

I took what I learned that day and have been using the information ever since to make sure that I don't gather plaque and tartar on my teeth. I see that as a pretty important lesson. Without your teeth and your feet, where would you be? Couldn't smile or eat and with out feet you can't get around that well, so both are pretty important.

Look around each day and see what you can learn. It could have a small impact on your life or it could bring about profound change in you.

Learn to be happy and thankful, to help others to feel better. And in doing so it will also make you a better person. Try to give out at least 3 compliments a day. After a while it gets addicting and I'll bet you can't stop with just 3.

Be the light in your world and light will be returned. Be the happiness in your world and happiness will be returned. Be the love in your world and love will be returned.

All of these things will return to you in threefold if they are shared from the heart.

Live a healthy life. Visit my blog at
Shelli's teaching a "Health Acceleration" class in Vegas at the Paris Hotel. find out more here:
Today is my Sisters Birthday. I wrote a blog to honor her, read it here

Monday, October 26, 2009

How many layer are below your skin?
New blog post for Health Pulse today. What did your lunch look like?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Check out my magazine publication "what are you weighting for?" Health Pulse vol. 2 @

Saturday, October 24, 2009

New blog post today on letting go. Check it out:

Friday, October 23, 2009

Time to let go

Sometimes life has it's little twists and turns.

It seems there's a surprise around every corner and all of them are not so pleasant.

There comes a time in life that a person needs to take a look around them. A really close look. At the people, the environment, the way something feels.

Are the people around you nurturing you in any way shape or form? Is the environment healthy and how about the way it feels?

All of us are looking for something better in our life. More money, a better relationship, kids that behave and show some respect, Stay young for ever (oops, did I slip that one in?).

It is true. The thing is that these are major changes. You can keep looking for change or you can step your foot out and make a move towards change. You need to be the change you are looking for, Because if you aren't, the change will NEVER happen

Life is short. But it is much to long if you are living in someones Else's nightmare.

And so there comes a time to let go. To understand that there are some environments that are just unhealthy and uncomfortable. There are just some people that are not willing to do their part. With those individuals all you can do is put forth just as much effort as they do. Eventually every thing "shakes out".

Letting go can be something that takes a while to do, or it can happen in an instant depending on what the situation is.

It is a release from being directly related emotionally to that place, person, or thing. To be able to say, "isn't that interesting" without allowing that item to change the structure of your emotions. To be interested but detached from the out-come.

Letting seems pretty simple. I'm here to tell you that it is not. There were many things in my life that I could not let go of. One of them was a relationship that was abusive mentally. I found that the more I worked on my own self, the clearer the picture became and the letting go began.

Put up the big stop sign on the people and things that take advantage or hurt you. Draw a line in the sand and let everyone know what you will tolerate and that you have choices. This will get you on the path to the mind set that you can change your life.

We all have choices. Make a choice today to be happy and healthy in your life, relationships and the way you choose to live.

To find out more about living a healthy life style visit us at:

Read our on-line magazine about strength, determination and perseverance at:
What is your States Obesity Tax?????
Find out what you can do to stay healthy During flu season This year, It's natural and easy. Only takes 10 minutes a day 5 days a week.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Are you a Bird of a Different Feather?

I was driving down the road the other day and I noticed that there were several birds on the electrical wires over head. A whole row of them and they all looked exactly the same. I knew that if one took off they all would.

Well I don't know if it was my thought but something startled the birds and all of them took off like I thought......Except for one bird. It looked just like every other bird but it stood out in the fact that it was a bird that didn't follow suit of the other birds.

As long as I could see the bird and the wire, it remained where it was. I wondered why only one bird decided to stay when the others all "flew the coop"?

Already I liked this bird. I have never been one to follow the lead of some else. I have always preferred to take things at my own pace and ponder them on my own time. I guess you can say that I have never been a follower.

I figured that this bird had different plans for the day. Maybe it wasn't time to go find a worm or go for a "joy fly". At any rate it was apparent to me that this bird was making it's own decisions and it was living life the way it choose to live it.

How many people do you know that just follow along and take off when the "other birds" take off? Hoping to find that one thing that will work and not really showing very much ingenuity.

Sometimes you need to take a different course, one of your own choosing, maybe one that nobody else is taking.

Follow your instincts and go for it. you won't regret it.

You will be a Bird of a Different Feather

Follow the rest of my blog here on blog spot or
find out more about healthy living at

Also visit my publication regarding weight lifting at:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Advertising Optimism?

What's with all the optimism in advertising?

Have they read the recent job-less report?

Seems the Giant Advertisers are on a path to convince all of us that we are in a full and total recovery.

The advertisers are using commercials to get it out to a broad audiance that our nation is out of hot water.

Huge dollars are being spent by the big companies to radiate well being in our country today. Trying to convice large numbers of people to go out and let loose of some of the cash they are hording.

The "campaign of optimism" was being worked on back as far as last spring. Advertisers are betting that people are tired of the bad economy and are ready to hear about some good news. By delivering that good news they are hoping to change the mood of the consumer.

What the big companies and advertisers don't seem to understand is that until banks start lending money, big companies start hiring employees and consumers start spending there is not going to be any fuel on the fire of the economic recovery.

A Majority of the people in this country are reliant on a job. They depend on someone needing them to work for the cash they earn.

A Minority of the people in this country are self reliant and depend on only their self for their survival. These are the people that are making the economy work for them. If you would like to be one of these people visit the rest of my blog and visit:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Birds "On Line"

If this bird can do it so can you. We can show you how you can be one of the "New Rich".
visit the rest of our blog @

Don't let the chance of a lifetime pass you by. We are set for a huge wealth transfer, the likes of which hasn't been seen since the Depression.

It's time to make the economy work for you.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's all in Perspective

It could no longer be avoided, the house keeping that is.

Because of the size of our house I knew I would be at it all day and into the evening. I wanted to make it a little more interesting so I started at the other end of the house.

When we built our house almost 3 years ago, we were involved in everything from framing to all of the little last minute details. I have been the head house keeper and chef since that time.

So I headed into the bathroom to scrub, clean and "slave away". It was brighter because it was afternoon instead of morning. I started with the bath tub and as I started to scrub I spotted what I thought was a scratch (EEEEK) but upon closer examination I discovered that it was paint that got there when they build the house and I have never noticed it before. I used a little elbow grease and thankfully it came off with no problem.

So how did I miss that? Well, I just needed to change my perspective, the light did that for me. It made me start thinking I could change my own perspective to make things more visible or just to see something a different way.

The light was the key, as it could be for so many people that need to shift into a different perspective.

I decided I was going to do a total shift and instead of thinking "UGH! Housework" I thought to myself what a beautiful house we have and it is such a pleasure to clean in and enjoy the sparkles.

I have the most beautiful kitchen and what a pleasure it is to prepare a meal in. We have been blessed with food that is healthy and I am able to prepare a balanced meal, there are many people that go without food or the food they have is not healthy.

What is your perspective?

Shift to positive and see that your entire world will have more light, more peace, more beauty, and more love.

Solutions to problems are easy to find when you shift your perspective and look for a positive solution instead of dwelling on the problem and how bad it is or could be.

When we shifted our perspective it was absolute magic for us. Find out more about a healthy lifestyle and strong body at;

Monday, September 28, 2009

Consistency Pays off

We are in our favorite place in the world.

Our house in the high desert has 12 1/2 acres. The environment is dry, sunny, warm. The soothing smell of the sage puts us in a relaxed mood and also opens up the creative channels.

When we are at home break times consist of going out to the back deck and sit outside away from the computer screen. When we are here in Redmond it consists of grabbing a 9 or for me an 8 iron, heading out to our "shooting platform", grabbing a few golf balls out of the bucket and shooting for the round pen in the back pasture. Very good way to clear the brain out.

So I am working but watching Gordon taking his break outside on the "shooting platform", doing what he does to enjoy himself. He has no idea he is being watched, he's just doing his thing.

I notice each time he does the same thing, consistently. He picks up a ball places it on the mat, adjusts his grip, puts the club head down next to the ball, focuses and twitches a few times and then he pulls the trigger nice and smooth. Ends his swing with his navel to the ball and he gets the results he was looking for, BULLS EYE right into the round pen. He would have landed the green for sure.

To get those positive results he was consistent each time with what he did. If he missed it a bit, he adjusted and tweaked what he thought would work until I was watching him time after time hit his mark. He didn't give up when he missed a few times, he just fixed a few things and tried again.

That's what makes him the person that he is. He is a Leader, a consistent, patient person who knows what it takes to succeed. His mind set is that he can accomplish anything that he puts his mind to because he will consistenly set about to do what he knows needs to be done to get to where he wants to be. He "works backwards" meaning that he knows what he wants so from there he works backwards to where he is and figures out steps along the way that will get him to what he wants, consistently adjusting and moving forward all along the way, until BULLS EYE happens because he KNOWS it will.

visit us @

Monday, September 14, 2009

How are you growing?

I was in the yard this weekend admiring the way the yard looked. The garden is getting to the end and it will be time to take it down soon.

I walked over by the fire pit and looked at the decorative grass growing in the planter right next to it.

We had the entire landscape done about two years ago and it was all put in at the same time. I loved the decorative grass but I noticed that two out of the three were much bigger.
I thought this was interesting. All of the grasses have received the same water, the same amount of sun. They get fed and fertilized the exact same way. So why were two of them so much bigger? The smaller one wasn't diseased at all, it looked just as healthy as the larger ones.

It made me wonder why some people just seem to stay in the same place year after year, never seeming to grow in any way. We all have the same chance in life to make something happen and to move forward. Yet there always seems to be someone you have known at one point in your life that seems to be in a time warp.

It isn't always easy or comfortable to grow and to get what you need. Maybe if this little plant had grown faster then it would be able to grab it's portion of the sunshine.

Each time you delay, another moment passes where no action is taken and soon everyone around you will be bigger and will eventually block out the sun. Making it harder for you to gain back what you need to go forward.

DON'T GET BEHIND, Catching up is hard to do. Do something today to move forward and make your life better. The more time you waste procrastinating could be time that spent moving forward. Find out how we managed to break free at
We have educated our self and have changed our life in ways that we could only dreamed. We moved forward and changed our career, the amount of time we spend working, traveled to some breathtaking places, met some amazing people that have become true friends. Check out my video on Dominican Republic

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What you believe can change your life

Everything starts with a belief.

If you just waited for change it would never come because of two things

Lack of action and a lack of belief

In order for you to change anything you must first take action and make something happen. When you do that you will have a belief that it will work and you will start to see the change you are looking for.

The change will not come without you leading the way. No body will create the change that you want. You alone have the ability to activate your creativity.

When you believe in what you are trying to accomplish, that will get you one step closer to what you want to attain.

When you go to the doctor and he writes you a prescription. You leave the doctors office with a belief that the prescription for the medication will help what ails you. If you didn’t believe then you wouldn’t go to the pharmacy, pay money for the medicine and then take it. Part of your healing is your own belief that you will be healed with the medicine that has been prescribed. That faith will lead you on the road to healing.

Belief in yourself will lead you in the direction that you are looking to go. Surround yourself with people that believe in you, support is a priceless commodity and should never be taken for granted.

The people that you don’t need in your life are the “dream breakers” They like to tell you that your dreams are “crazy” and will “get you no where”.

Look to see where these people are going. Many of them are just sitting in the same place they were 10 years ago. Chances are that they broke their own dreams and now the “dream breakers” are on a mission to keep everyone in their broken dream life creating doubt and rejecting new ideas.

They do it in disguise, saying they want what is best for you, or that they just worry about you. In reality they are afraid that you will move on when you accomplish what you set out to do and they will have less control, because you will believe that you can do anything you set your mind to.

They have a lack of that belief and an unwillingness to do what is necessary to move forward.
It is not easy gathering people around that will allow their dreams to be broken


Find out the whole story at

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Piggy Bank look skinnier?

It isn't your imagination, your piggy bank has lost weight

Americans are feeling the effects of a shrinking paycheck. We are not just making a decision to stay home on the last weekend of the season or choosing to cut back on school supplies. We Americans are experiencing the feeling of being "cautious"

The growth in our wages has all but stopped in the past 6 months.

Figure this one out: Wages have grown in the private sector by 1.3 percent but inflation is running 2 percent. Factor that in with the lost contributions to your 401 K (maybe it is a 201 K or a 101 K at this time) and the new ways that employers are finding to cut back.

Does the word "furlough" mean anything to you. That is when your employer closes the business and you get unpaid unplanned leave. This decreases the average workers income another 2 percent per year.


Not to mention the employees that are working overtime and not getting compensated and the employees that are working off the clock. The government is failing to enforce the laws so we are living in a lawless land where employment is concerned.

We need to worry about the ways that these companies are restructuring and saving money because it is directly affecting the American people.

Quit sending our jobs over seas. Pay us for the work we do. With the current situation the middle class will cease to exist.


get more information about how you can make the economy work for you.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Together you accomplish more.

This weekend was a fabulous weekend to give our self a break. We needed it. Together we accomplished more relaxation than we would have if we would have been relaxing alone.

The way I figure, We were using the same amount of time but there were two of us doing the activity of "relaxation" so in the same time frame there was two of us working on it, hence more relaxation at one time.

I think we did a better job at it than if we would have alone. I have the evidence of this picture. We are relaxing and having fun.

The weather could have been drier for a tent camping trip but that didn't bother us either. Want to know why? There was two of us working on the problem together, so we only had to think half as much.

We were multi-tasking as well. When one of us was busy relaxing, the other was taking care of business. That way there was someone relaxing the ENTIRE time. <=0) It made for a great time.

One reason to go out there and rough it for the weekend is that you appreciate home when you get there so much, I'm dreaming about the silky smooth sheets and the soft bed right now.

I feel twice as rested than ever.

What a great weekend!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Take a Break, And give your self one too!

Some of us know how to work hard and some of us know how to hardly work.

We can identify people in each group. Just because you don't put in many, many hours does not mean that you don't work hard, it just means that you work smarter. So time doesn't really have anything to do with it, the RESULT of the work that is done is the marker.

You may put your 40 to 60 hours a week in, you have done your time. But what has been accomplished? I know people that work only 4 to 6 hours a day and accomplish a mountain. These are the people that know when to take a break.

No matter what type of work you do a break is always needed. No I don't mean the 10 minute variety. I'm talking a long weekend or a vacation. It is easy to work away and not pay any attention to our own needs. Whether or not you are getting results. If you aren't getting results you just want to work harder and a break is out of the question. Or maybe you are getting such fantastic results that you loose track of time and are having so much fun you don't feel the need for a break.

That is when you need one the most. Not referring to dropping everything in a crucial moment, need to be smart about your breaks and sometimes a little mysterious. When the mind relaxes it allows our creative self to take over and amazing ideas will appear to us.

It's hard to do at first, getting un-wound. But after the first day is gets easier. I am not suggesting that you take a break without a computer or a note pad at all. How are you going to write down all of the fantastic ideas that are going to start flying in?

Do your self a favor and get a breath of fresh air and then another and one after that and so on and so forth. Take 3 days for your self this weekend, it's a long weekend and things will be quiet.
Get your creative juices going and begin to feel a return to the self that you know you are, that is not the one that only knows how to work.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

An Eagle or a Duck that is the question.

Interesting question isn't it?
They are both birds so why not?

Here is this Duck. It swam up to our boat and gave us a few "quacks", swam around us a few times. Figured that we weren't going to toss him anything so away he went, to the next boat. I had some thoughts right then but that's for another time.

So I looked over head and saw this Eagle soaring over us in the sky. There were several others as well but this one was a little closer. They cruised over the water and came just a little lower. I noticed that little fish were jumping all over the place.

Soon enough this Eagle puts his wings back and heads to the water, swoops down and graps a fish right out of the water with his powerful talons. Picked up the fish and flew away. I was totally awe-struck!!

I thought to myself that I wouldn't mind being that Eagle. I admired how sure he was and how he calculated that he was going to get that fish. He was patient and concentrated on what he wanted, then had the sharpness and strength to carry it off (the fish that is =0).

I knew at that point that I wanted to be that Eagle so much more than I wanted to be that Duck.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Nurturing and the results

We have a Dog that we absolutely love to no end. She has been very special in our lives and we know that she will be for years to come as she is only 2 1/2 years old.

We fell in love with her the first time we saw her. We needed to turn off the sprinkler to fetch her since she ran under it and sat down. She was a brown wiggly soaking wet little pile of energy.

We had no idea of the impact she would have on our lives. We have grown kids and we know how to nurture something, the kids turned out pretty good.

But this is different. Especially since Gordon and I have no children together, we have the yours and mine equals ours mentality (even if the kids maybe don't share that).

Lilee is OURS from the start a product of our nurturing and love and caring. She is a pure joy to be around, She has so much love to give us she totally fills us up with her special ways.

She got a bit big but she has the heart of a cuddly lap dog, since she tops the scales at close to 100 pounds she settles for only half of her in our laps.

My point here is that we have shown her tremendous patience and kindness. We are all loyal to one another and that is something that comes naturally to her. We have shown her love and that is the biggest thing she gives us back. All that she asks in return is a scratch on the chin, a piece of carrot or watermelon and maybe a hand out from time to time (she is hard to ignore).

When you give you receive back gifts and we think that this "pup" is one of the best gifts that we have been given recently.

It's simple, we give to her and she gives back. Isn't that the way that life should be?

Monday, August 24, 2009

We're Back!!

Sorry for the break in blogginh for anyone out there. Gordon lost his Mom just days aftre our last post so we have been dealing with that. Things are settling down a bit now and we are happy to be back.

Summer time is coming down to the last warm weeks, I swear I can feel Autumn just around the corner. Just this morning I noticed trees that were turning color.

I love the crispness at night.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wealth Masters International

Okay, so you are wondering what is Wealth Masters International? Well it is a private wealth group that Gordon and I belong to. We are, right now as I am writing this sitting in the Dominican Republic with our private wealth group. Meeting with people just like us from around the entire globe! We are people that are looking for a better world. We are willing to work for the change and be the change that we want to see. We are learning how to create wealth and to not only create it but to take care of it our self. To learn ways to make that wealth grow. It seems to be working for us. We came here to paradise, someplace that everyone wants to be so we are enjoying our surroundings. We are in some pretty great company with some wonderful that is not right, they are not just "people" they are our FRIENDS. This group is so powerful because of the support that we receive. Now, how is this Wealth Masters group helping us to grow our wealth? Well, I just about 5 minutes ago won a rare, gold 1907 liberty dollar. All I did was put a piece of paper in a drawing and now my wealth has increased. Things like this change a persons life in ways that some can only imagine. I used to imagine that change and now I am experiencing it and it is absolutely amazing.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How do you Measure up??

So how do you measure up? What size of a persona re you? Not physically but mentally. Really, how do you measure up? You want to know what I mean don't you?

Measuring ones own self is something that is not easily done. We have in our minds what we are perceived to be but in reality it might not even hit the mark.

Life is full of challenges, struggles, hardships and it also has the flip side that is all positive but that isn't what we are talking about here. In positive times you do find a measure of you self and how you would handle situations. When the negative comes into your life and the chips are down that is when you find out the true measure of you self.

What types of mountain do you build in your own life? Did you bring you self to the space you are in right now or do you thin that there are contributing factors outside of youself? Maybe it is nono of you own doing that finds you in a difficult position........hard to take credit for something that isn't so good??

I am here to tell you that you are where you are from the choices you have made in the past. Don't look over your shoulder looking for someone to blame, just look in the mirror.

Now that we have that established, lets see what we can do to change things a little bit.

Your problem is only 4 inches long.....Now that doesn't dound to bad does it? Do you want to know where the 4 inches are? Your're's between your ears.

We have all been given gifts and the people that really measure up have figured out their gifts and they use it to their full potential. Everything you need is already inside of you.

A person that measures up is someone who see's their problems for what they are, in their true form.

A persom that measures up is someone who does not make their problems seem worse than they are.

A person who measures up is someone who makes their problems seem better than what they are.

A person is measured by the size of the problem that stops them. When you hit a small bump in the road and feel like quitting just thing what it would be like to encounter quick sand. IF YOU QUIT WHEN THE QUICK SAND HAS YOU STUCK, GUESS WHAT? YOU WILL SINK TO THE BOTTOM.

When the challenge is difficult, that is the time to put up your "dukes" and come out fighting. When it really gets tough you have to to know that the outcome is going to be something worth waiting for. There is definately a serious storm before any calm. So gather your "crew" and plant your feet firmly, keep your fist tight and don't let go no matter what. There is usually a hand outstretched for us in the darkness, it is just hand to see where to reach for that hand. Follow your heart, be strong and ready to fight, don't let your fears stop you. When you are out of your comfort zone you have the most potential for growth, so feel the fear and do it anyway!
Find out more, visit our site at

Monday, June 1, 2009

Serious incomes with top tier opportunities

Serious incomes with Top Tier opportunities
I will guess that you a a networker who is experienced and knows what they are doing.
You have good communication skills and know how to talk on the phone. You work on your business everyday and you know advertising. You have a team that you lead.
Is that working for you?
If it is great for you, but if it isn't you are not alone
Do you have that new Mercedes and are you flying first class? Are you taking a limo to the convention or a taxi? How about the big checks?
Probably not, right? That is because you are working a 2nd tier company that doesn't pay as much for the same amount of time. The people you are attracting to this company are only looking for $500 to $2,000 extra dollars a month and want to do their business VERY part time.
We all have the same amount of hours in a day so why not take them and use them in a business that pays out big and doesn't require any extra time?
You become as successful as the people you surround yourself with. Why would you want to work with people who have their goals set so low? Why not surround yourself with people that truly want the life of luxury?
I know that me and my partners got into this industry to earn a stable income that can be as much as we want it to be and yet we are faced with the fact that MLM isn't what it used to be.
So if the GPT model makes sense to you......
If you are ready to run a business that will allow you to make tens of thousands of dollars per month withing weeks or months instead of years without the risks or problems of a down line. Then I would like to invite you to check us out at and leave your contact information so someone can get with you and answer your questions so you can make the decision for yourself if this business is right for you.

Animoto - Your Images, Your Music, Never The Same

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Top Tier, what is this all about??

"Top Tier" opportunities, what is this all about???

Sounds Expensive!

One of the common statements regarding "top tier" opportunities is that the start-up costs are "too high"

I want to tell you that actually they are much less than a traditional supplement based MLM. The average start-up cost and monthly auto-ship order for a traditional MLM is about $200 to $300 dollars. That comes out to $2500 plus a year when you factor in taxes and shipping. (that's the low end). In the company we were involved in we had monthly overhead of $500 per month so that is more like $6,000 dollars.

A Top Tier program is usually a one time expense.

By the time you have hit your third year in MLM, you have spent over $7,500 in vitamins or what ever product you sell. In our case after 3 years it would look more like $18,000.

Wow, look how much we would spend if we were into this company for 7 years, HOLY SMOKES that would be $42,000 dollars and I have to ask is that more than we are going to make? The checks don't seem to be big enough to add up to that!!

After 7 years in a Top Tier company after seven years would have never gone past the average $1,500 cost of the product or service. Some of these companies are more and some are less depending on what is being offered.

there is another benefit to Top Tier programs. It is not obvious to you at first but it is something that you will notice and appreciate before to long and that is.......

You work with Experienced peers and keep your business FUN!

Are you to a point in your MLM company where you just feel burnt out working with so many different people who are brand new to the industry? These are the ones who "claim" they want to be financially free but but as soon as you start talking about the amount to start up, they start making excuses about why it isn't right for them. The excuses don't make very much sense to you and you know that they want to make money without an investment in time or currency and we all know how well that works......

Is your down line a group of people who blame you for the fact that they bought a website and some product but aren't rich yet?

Or has the FUN been stripped from your work at home dream because all you do is spend your time dealing with whiners, excuse makers and people with complaints? Are you tired of holding hands with your down line to help them through the "dark times"?

One perk of a Top Tier is that it attracts Top Tier People

You know, the ones that think like you do.

Who you work with is completely up to you, so why not work with the highest caliber of people possible:

Peers! Professionals! Doers! People who make things happen, not excuses.

It makes all the difference in the world when you get to spend your time recruiting and working with people who are just like you. The Top Tier people that you will get involved with LOVE this industry, and they don't need any convincing.

these people already know an investment is required and have no problem because they are true entrepreneurs.

To Tier opportunities attract this type of person because the initial start-up cost scares away the "tire-kickers" and people that want to waste your time.


People that don't wine and complain, constantly making excuses for why they don't succeed and one of the reasons are often YOU. People that don't need their hand held 24/7.

Would you like to work with peers who speak and build with self confidence?

People who don't "need" money or want you to "save them", but with people who have a proven track record of success and who want a better lifestyle and a better vehicle to invest their time, money and efforts into?

In a top tier opportunity you don't have to work with thousands of people to make incredible money


I can tell you all about what you need to do. Go to and I will tell you all about it.

Top Tier opportunities pay out serious incomes, They also attract people who like to make serious money. Are you somebody like that?

You want to be experienced right?

Do you want to know how to advertise?

What affiliate companies are right for you?

Visit my web site at

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Top tier Opportunities

Top Tier Opportunities

Because of the more qualified people that these companies attract we call them "top tier" and of course they can produce high-level incomes compared to MLM companies.

Many of these companies retail products that are in the $1,500 to $2,000 range and pay out a $1,000 plus commission up front for any product or service that is sold.

So Where's the "residual" income?

Like I said in the past that a thousand dollars today is worth more than a thousand dollars spread out in smaller increments over a period of time. And the reason being is that you can do something with that thousand you get today. you have to wait until the money is worth less to get paid over time. This means that you get paid a years worth of wages at once and quickly, we all know that this is better in the long run. The person that purchases your product and finds it beneficial will most likely either buy from you again or become a member of your team. Regardless you get paid if this person builds a business or not. In MLM you are counting on a complete stranger to build a business so that yours can do well.

How big of a team would you need to get in order to make $5,000 a month in a MLM company?

400?, 600?, 1700? 3,000?

Any number could be close but then you need to double that number because 50% of the people you prospect are going to drop out in the first 3 months.

Remember, this is the age of the bigger, better product, juice, service. What happens if one of your leaders with a large following leaves for that new ground floor opportunity? And their team leaves with them?

We know how difficult it can be to work part time to replace a full time income but that is what MLM is selling. Not many people will go on to build an organization of 400 or more and that is what you are counting on (from a complete stranger).

In a "top tier" company how many customers do you think you would need to make say $4,000 per month?

3 to 4

To make $48,000 per year you only need one customer per week? Yes, that's right and that doesn't even take into account the actual compensation plan which could multiply that figure by 10 times with just one new customer per week. You can find out more about Carbon Copy Pro at
The great thing about GPT is that there is no disappearing act with the down line or sales that dip in volume. At the very least the money you make can be put where you can get interest on it for a year or three. On the "slow boat" over time method you aren't going to get any interest where that money is coming from.
Would you like to find out more about these "top tier" companies???
Are start up cost High?
How Do I find out more about "top tier opportunities"?
Stay tuned and in the mean time find out more at

Monday, May 18, 2009

What to do now

What to do?
That's the Million Dollar Question.
Like I said before, there are no right or wrong answers. I depends on what you want personally out of your business. Are you willing to deal with an MLM and all of good and bad that comes along with it?
If you would enjoy building a new business with new products once every year or two, then MLM is for you. There is LOTS of money to made right now in MLM. The only problem is that your residual income is not going to last as long as you think it is and attrition will attack and your business will shrink as quickly as you got it off the ground running.
My Husband and I have decided that type of "ride" has no appeal to us because we have cut through the hype and come to a conclusion, and that is no matter what company we build, if it is an MLM company we are going to face all of the challenges you have read about in my previous blogs. The industry has changed over the past 5 years and there is no new ground floor opportunity company or any compensation plan that can fix it.
Besides the rare 1 in a 1,000 exception the promise of life-long residual income has disappeared. MLM for the most part has turned into a business of "quick-turn" greed driven building, hype. Only the true, very skilled professional multilevel marketer has a chance to make any significant amount of money.
We are tired of the back stabbing, attrition, and jumping from one company to the next attitude. We are tired of trying to explain why our company is better than the other. Dealing with people who think that $400.00 is to much money to start a company. These are the individuals that have never owned their own company, they have a JOB (Just Over Broke).
It is just not worth our time, it is not fun and we don't enjoy it. If we wanted to UN-ENJOY what we did we would get a J.O.B.
Okay, so this is our secret, GPT. It is becoming the quickest solution for the challenges facing networking in the internet age. Okay, so what is GPT? It stands for Get Paid Today. This is a concept that summarizes the change of focus in the MLM industry from a long-tern residual income, to immediate leveraged income. The reason that this is gaining momentum is because the money we earn and receive now is more valuable in the long run than money you will get in the future. The reason for that is the money you earn today and receive can be put to work for you so that you actually make money off of the original money while you continue to make more.THAT SOUNDS REALLY GOOD TO US!!
The promise of Get paid Today is simple:
If Networkers are going to move from company to company. If competetors are going to advertise on your front porch with a better or cheaper product, and if the cost of sponsoring a new networker continues to soar, then the answer is simple:
Get paid a year of more worth of residuals on day one no matter what happens.
This is the age of the internet, distributors come and go quickly so Get Paid Today
Opportunities that are "bigger and better" come around several times a year taking a piece of your "down line" with it, so Get Paid Today
Money is worth more in your pocket today than it is next year, so Get Paid Today and invest that cash into real residual income streams outside MLM.
With advertising and sponsoring cost sky rocketing, Get Paid a year of more of residual intome Today, instead ow waiting for $20.00 commission checks to come in over months or years.
Many of the network marketers today are employee minded people that just think they are entrepreneurs, which means they will rarely do what it takes to be successful, so Get Paid Today for your time and training wether they build a business or not.
Professionals aren't interested in working 3 to 4 hours extra per day selling vitamins or a juice drink for a $500 -$1,000 paycheck, so offer them a vehicle that they can Get Paid Today and realisitcally make $10,000 per month with just 5 to 10 customers a month.
Building a MLM that pays out $10,000 per month requires building a downline of thousands of people. Get paid Today and make $10,000 with just 10 customers per month or less.
Can you see how profound this concept is in the MLM Environment? How it solves all of the problems network marketers are facing?
The average person who dreams of working from home now have a realisic way of achieving that dream
GPT models are found in "top Tier" opportunities
What is a "top Tier" company?
How does a person learn more about GPT?
Stay tuned for my next blog and visit me at

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Protection from the internet is gone, it took your residual income with it.

Protection from the Internet is gone and it took your residual income with it.

Before the Internet, organizations and companies were able to fly under the radar which shielded them from this onslaught of people, opinions competitors and ads.

That protection allowed relationships to be build, skills to be learned and loyalties to be strengthened.

But the Internet destroyed that in short order

You have built a fairly large organization. You think you've finally found that "residual" income that you have sought.

You are making about $25,000 per month, you quit your job 6 months ago, bought a new house, a boat and a new car, and paid off all of your debt

Everything is great!

Then one day, the company tweaks their compensation plan just a little bit.....

One of your leaders is NOT happy about it. They decide to move to another company, and with one click, with one single email up-line, down-line and across line and he basically destroys dozens of people's businesses.

The income you're relying on to pay the mortgage, invest for retirement, and put your kids through school literally vanishes overnight.

It's a sobering thought when you realize that your lively-hood in an MLM business is completely dependent upon strangers you've never met before.

You have no idea what their plans are or what their life is like. You simply cannot earn a full-time living on your own personal efforts with an MLM compensation plan. It's not designed that way, you need many people to help you with that, those are the ones you don't know.

This wasn't a problem in the past, but it is today.

The Internet is a tool that allows communications at a level that has never been seen by the world before, where opinions, rumors, ads and scams can now spread across the world faster than you can turn around.

With one well placed negative opinion reported on the Internet massive amounts of money can be lost for a company.

Down lines can be destroyed overnight by false rumors or leaders who jump ship.

This is where the world of the Pre-launch comes in. Ready to promise a better product or compensation plan and the ability to get in "on the ground floor opportunity"

Competitors adds can be ran on the very door step of a company's search engine results.

And there is nothing that you can do about it
But there is something for your down line to do about it. They have an endless supply of new companies and products so all they need to do is feel a little frustrated or un-successful and they can open up on their email the next biggest and best company and get in on the ground floor, and before you know it Houdini has been there and they disappear faster than a rabbit in a hat.
Thanks to the Internet networkers are only as loyal as their options and their options are endless, there need not be any long term commitments.
There is no going back the Internet is here to stay, if you are a leader in the industry you know this to be true.
The cost of sponsoring a new rep in the cold market continues to go upward, while the actual return and "life time value" of that rep continues to go down.
We are faced with the fact that.....
Full page ads in an industry magazine that cost $500 eight years ago, now costs $3,000.
Email marketing is dead, and the ability to advertise in a massive, targeted, and affordable way died with it.
due to the constant attrition that you will experience you will be forced to recruit everyday for the lifespan of your business.
To the white collar business professional who has a hard time seeing how they are going to replace a six figure income peddling vitamins and fruit juice the MLM business just doesn't look that appealing.
The problem of multiple systems for marketing within any given company, and promises to be the next big thing makes it hard to train your team in a duplicatable manor.
Instead of focusing on developing personal skills and working a single system the "newby" tries something for a few weeks and then goes on to the next best marketing idea.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The age of Internet & Marketing

The painful Truth
If you are looking for more freedom in life and want to be financially carefree and you are looking to do this from home with a MLM Company you are in for a rude awakening.

My questions to you:
Do you have to constantly feed the top while "associates" fall out the holes in the bottom?
Are your "associates" duplicating your efforts?
Are you tired of working your tail off and you feel like you should be making ten times more for your efforts?
Do you "baby-sit" your down line?
You are not alone!
Do you like filling a leaking bucket? because that can be what it feels like when you are trying to build a down line.

Right now it is a struggle in network marketing, where people leave as fast as they join. They are always looking for the newer, bigger, better company to join.

We joined a MLM based on the product (thankfully) because it gave many benefits to important people in our life. The company seemed pretty sound and had a CEO that seemed to have things together and endorsements that were impressive. The leadership seemed sincere and within the first year those same leaders at corporate levels tried a "hostile take over" that for the most part soiled the name of the company and now there are law suites and basically it feels that the entire nature of the company has changed. I call these people and people like them the "MLM WHORES". They are in the top echelon of the MLM industry. They have huge followers willing to follow anywhere. At the drop of a hat they do and have left many of these companies in ruin.

The idea of network marketing has been based on the idea of working 4 to 7 years to build a life long, residual income that can be left to your family.

That sounds great!

Not really true anymore

Let me tell you why.

Network Marketers have become obsessed with pre-launches, the timing of the launch and what the next big "thing" is going to be.

The number of new company start ups is now drastically out of proportion with the new people coming into MLM each year.

There are only so many "warm bodies" to go around.

This is the world of the Pre-Launch. A pre-launch is a company's only chance to catch new or existing networkers and romance them away from their current company's with exciting new compensation plans and promotions and promises of being in on the "ground floor" This new company promises to be the the biggest and best with their new patented product that will change the world as we know it. Networkers tend to flock to the new company in an attempt to get in at the top. If they don't, that's okay because a new and better MLM will launch in about 9 to 13 months, and when it does the people at the bottom of the previous company will move to the new MLM company leaving a wake of destruction in the downlines of their old company from the bottom up in the process.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Let me tell you about a couple of Entrepreneurs

Let me tell you about a couple of Entrepreneurs threw off the "shackles" and left their old careers behind.....FOREVER. And even better we are doing something fun and exciting that we love doing.

My husband and I have lived a good life. Spending a major part of our life in our careers and being very successful. The hours were horrendous, we were compensated well but was it worth all of that time?

We deal with a lot of supposedly successful people every day.. Some are customers, some suppliers, some are friends and others just run in the same social circles as we do but there seems to be one common trait. It is something that we don't talk about very much. And that is that it can be HELL working for somebody else. You put in 10, 20, 30 years of your life working away to help someone else accomplish their dreams. You can be let go at any time and that is what you get for your loyalty. Many retirements have been cut in recent years or have gone away completely. Having your own "brick and mortar" business can be hell just the same. It's hard to find good employees and when you do find them; they don't come cheap. They could leave at any time and you would be stuck with all of the work. Maybe you don't know how that work was performed! (ouch). When you own a brick & mortar, the business at some point takes over your life. When that happens, things need to change, because your are no longer in control. We started looking online and have discovered a new way to do business.
The internet is the new "gold rush" but only much more profitable

I went online and started researching money making opportunities. And no, I was never one for network marketing, or MLM companies. I always had a "real" job, making real money. Most of the "opportunities" I found were time wasters at best and outright scams at worst. I started to search deeper and uncovered with my due diligence some real verifiable success stories. They were real people making money on line and they were willing to talk to me. I found out there are more millionaires created by the internet in the last 5 years than in the total history of mankind. That's pretty powerful, and caught my attention. When I started looking at these new millionairs I found out they were pretty "fresh behind the ears" because many of them are under 30 years old!

Internet millionaires make their own money running their own businesses

None of these successful young entrepreneurs made their fortunes in the fortune 500. They all started home based businesses and had big visions and worked their businesses with their big visions. I kept up my research, looking harder and turning over stones and realized that this was for real. Sure there are scams everywhere, not just on the internet. There are a few legitimate home based network marketing businesses that could produce verifiable results. The results were what amazed me. I never, even in my best year made $143,715 profit in one month, on line that happens frequently.

These new internet superstars have completely turned the old school approach to network marketing on it's head. One of the reasons some of them are so successful is because they got tired of being told how to do things the wrong way.

I am working less now than I have in years, having fun doing what I am doing. Building a community of new friends and business associates that are doing exactly what I am doing. That's good because I like to travel and go on really nice vacations and I know all of my associates will have the time and the money to go and see some really cool places with me.