We have a Dog that we absolutely love to no end. She has been very special in our lives and we know that she will be for years to come as she is only 2 1/2 years old.
We fell in love with her the first time we saw her. We needed to turn off the sprinkler to fetch her since she ran under it and sat down. She was a brown wiggly soaking wet little pile of energy.
We had no idea of the impact she would have on our lives. We have grown kids and we know how to nurture something, the kids turned out pretty good.
But this is different. Especially since Gordon and I have no children together, we have the yours and mine equals ours mentality (even if the kids maybe don't share that).
Lilee is OURS from the start a product of our nurturing and love and caring. She is a pure joy to be around, She has so much love to give us she totally fills us up with her special ways.
She got a bit big but she has the heart of a cuddly lap dog, since she tops the scales at close to 100 pounds she settles for only half of her in our laps.
My point here is that we have shown her tremendous patience and kindness. We are all loyal to one another and that is something that comes naturally to her. We have shown her love and that is the biggest thing she gives us back. All that she asks in return is a scratch on the chin, a piece of carrot or watermelon and maybe a hand out from time to time (she is hard to ignore).
When you give you receive back gifts and we think that this "pup" is one of the best gifts that we have been given recently.
It's simple, we give to her and she gives back. Isn't that the way that life should be?