I was in the yard this weekend admiring the way the yard looked. The garden is getting to the end and it will be time to take it down soon.
I walked over by the fire pit and looked at the decorative grass growing in the planter right next to it.
We had the entire landscape done about two years ago and it was all put in at the same time. I loved the decorative grass but I noticed that two out of the three were much bigger.
I thought this was interesting. All of the grasses have received the same water, the same amount of sun. They get fed and fertilized the exact same way. So why were two of them so much bigger? The smaller one wasn't diseased at all, it looked just as healthy as the larger ones.
It made me wonder why some people just seem to stay in the same place year after year, never seeming to grow in any way. We all have the same chance in life to make something happen and to move forward. Yet there always seems to be someone you have known at one point in your life that seems to be in a time warp.
It isn't always easy or comfortable to grow and to get what you need. Maybe if this little plant had grown faster then it would be able to grab it's portion of the sunshine.
Each time you delay, another moment passes where no action is taken and soon everyone around you will be bigger and will eventually block out the sun. Making it harder for you to gain back what you need to go forward.
DON'T GET BEHIND, Catching up is hard to do. Do something today to move forward and make your life better. The more time you waste procrastinating could be time that spent moving forward. Find out how we managed to break free at
We have educated our self and have changed our life in ways that we could only dreamed. We moved forward and changed our career, the amount of time we spend working, traveled to some breathtaking places, met some amazing people that have become true friends. Check out my video on Dominican Republic