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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another Year Older or Another Year BETTER?

Today I woke up and knew I would be another year older, just a little bit later into the day.

I knew my life had changed, and I appreciate how happy I am in that life.

Of course my wonderful Hubby had a fabulous day planned full of the things I love to do.

In the past, I cleared my day of work and refused to talk about it the entire day. No work and no talking about work.

So this morning I was surprised to find us talking about our work. Gordon suddenly stopped talking and his eyes got wide. He said we needed to stop talking about work, it was my birthday and my reply was, "that's okay, it's fun"

Wow! Talk about a transformation! Work is FUN! We were putting our heads together and being creative, that is our work and we were having fun. We planned what we were going to do the next day for a while and then we continued about our day. Putting work aside because we can.

Spending the entire day together was the best part of my birthday. We have such a good time.

We went into a shop in Bend and found these red cowboy boots. I have been looking for a while for the right pair of USED boots and there they were, and here they are. No sooner had we gotten home and my cowgirl neighbor called and invited me on a ride with them tomorrow.

It is so fun to get out into the fresh air on my sweet girl Ebony (my neighbor so graciously lets me ride her beautiful horse). Three girls, three horses and the wild blue yonder.........I am going to have sweet "cowgirl dreams" tonight, Yahoo!

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Emotion do you feed?

What Emotion Do You Feed? Check Out My New Blog Post At:

The Good, The Bad and How It Can Get Ugly

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about

a battle that goes on inside people. He said, 'My son, the
battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all. One is Evil.
It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance,
self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride,
superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace,
love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence,
empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.' The
grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his
grandfather: 'Which wolf wins?'

The old Cherokee simply replied,

'The one you feed.'

I heard this and I thought to myself, Wow, is that the truth or what?

How many people do you know that feed the negative, anger and resentment?

Select the people that you associate yourself with very carefully because a portion of what they are will eventually rub off on you.

Our hearts know how we feel, we call it our "gut" feelings but it is actually your heart's electrodes responding to what you are physically doing and mentally thinking.
When we do good, we feel good and likewise when we do something not so good we feel bad (at least you should).

In order for something to grow you need to feed it. So make a choice to choke out the anger, resentment, disappointment, hatred, jealousy, envy, sorrow, judgemental, negative, arrogant, greed.

It needs to be a choice and eventually it will be a way of life because the choice will be to feed the positive things in life. The things in life that we look back on with fondness, that bring a smile to our face. Those are the things that need to be fed.

Share happiness, love, compassion, benevolence, generosity, faith, hope, kindness, empathy, serenity, and friendship.

They are so much more fun to share. There is nothing better than a big smile or better yet laughter that comes from the heart.

To find out about a healthy lifestyle visit us at:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New blog post today about increasing your knowledge. What is life teaching you?

Increasing Your Knowledge

I woke up this morning and wondered, "what will I learn today?"

Each day is an opportunity to increase your knowledge of the world.

With each experience there is something to be learned. And that something is different for everyone.

For instance, I had an appointment to have my teeth cleaned the other day. I realize that people have many different emotions about sitting in the dentist chair. Well, it doesn't bother me so I sit down and open my mouth. What I learned is that I was missing brushing some teeth and I was paying attention to where those areas were.

I said something about missing some spots and the hygienist was surprised that I was paying attention so that I could improve my brushing. She said that most people were just interested in the office gossip and she wished more people would pay attention and at least floss once in a while.

I took what I learned that day and have been using the information ever since to make sure that I don't gather plaque and tartar on my teeth. I see that as a pretty important lesson. Without your teeth and your feet, where would you be? Couldn't smile or eat and with out feet you can't get around that well, so both are pretty important.

Look around each day and see what you can learn. It could have a small impact on your life or it could bring about profound change in you.

Learn to be happy and thankful, to help others to feel better. And in doing so it will also make you a better person. Try to give out at least 3 compliments a day. After a while it gets addicting and I'll bet you can't stop with just 3.

Be the light in your world and light will be returned. Be the happiness in your world and happiness will be returned. Be the love in your world and love will be returned.

All of these things will return to you in threefold if they are shared from the heart.

Live a healthy life. Visit my blog at
Shelli's teaching a "Health Acceleration" class in Vegas at the Paris Hotel. find out more here:
Today is my Sisters Birthday. I wrote a blog to honor her, read it here

Monday, October 26, 2009

How many layer are below your skin?
New blog post for Health Pulse today. What did your lunch look like?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Check out my magazine publication "what are you weighting for?" Health Pulse vol. 2 @