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Friday, March 5, 2010

Master Marketer Attempts to Market

This is the look of Marketing gone wrong.  Notice the upset look on her face?  Let me tell you what's behind that look.

Master Marketer Attempts To Market.

This is an update on my post about the master marketer. Just yesterday the master marketer and I went for a ride into town in the BMW this time (she fills the entire back seat).

She was all relaxed and spread out until I slowed down, she was alerted, I pulled into a driveway and at that time she cam to full attention and started her marketing tactics.

She poked me with her nose, insisting that I roll down the window. I’m going pretty slow because of the car in front of me. Lil’ is in the backseat insistently letting me know the window needs to be down. I roll down the window and creep along slowly, she sticks her head out, smile on face, batting her eye lashes.

I am cracking up because I know she is going to be disappointed as I drive up to the mailboxes at the post office and put the mail in the slot and drive off. She sat in stunned silence staring at me in the rear view mirror wondering what went wrong.  Her face was something like the one above.

So you see, even a master at marketing can get it wrong sometimes but if you don’t try you will never know what riches await you.  This is the look on her face when her marketing has been successful.  You see the difference?  It's written all over her face how she feels
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