Today is my Mommy's Birthday. This is the woman that sewed almost all of our clothes when we were kids (maybe not all of my brothers) and all we wanted were a few "store bought" items or at least to be able to wear a pair of pants to school (I think I was in the 3rd or 4th grade before that ever happened).
We had no idea that we had "CUSTOM" clothing made of the "finest Corinthian Leather" (okay, I'm going a bit far) But serirously wouldn't you kill to have someone "FIT" you? Now I'm not saying that it didn't come without a few pokes and a litte bit of pain and Mom wasn't above giving your pony tail a tug if you were wiggling a bit much for her to get her work done and you better not talk back. Really, she had some deadlines! Heck, Days of Our Lives came on at 3 PM.
This is the gal that kept the household together, got us to our activities, Packed for us when we went on vacation and planned our birthday parties.
I can never remember a time when she forgot to pick us up or was even late. She kept our lives perfectly scheduled. When it came time to sell my girlscout cookies, she gave me a phone list, a "loose script" and handed me the phone, then she sat with the order form and a pen and marked down all of the orders. Thanks Mom for being our secretary too.
Thank you Mom for making us write a good thankyou note when we were young, it has come in handy over the years and that is something that I really appreciate. I know that some of these things seemed so un-appreciated by us at the time I'm sure you got the hint(and I speak for all 3 of us) but I also remember that you told us all that we would "Thank You Later".
So I know you are not one to tell me "I told you so", you did tell us all and I do thank you Mom and I want you to know you are so appreciated.
Happy 70th Birthday Mom, You don't look a day over the speed limit. (55 that is)
Love You!