Did you ever notice how people like to blame others for their misfortune? Yet when they have tremendously good luck they brought it about all on their own? It seems to be human nature now days to not take responsibility for our actions if they are unfavorable.
It is so Easy to blame a bad childhood or broken home, un-loving spouse or out of control kids; forces that are beyond what we can control.
In reality it is your choice not to let the stress of everyday life impact you in a negative way. It’s up to you to make wise choices today so that your future will look brighter.
Do not let your past control your destiny or you will be caught up in what is history and cannot be changed. Always look forward, never back.
You are responsible for your successes as well as your failures. You are where you are because of the choices you have made in the past, a past that cannot be changed. You are where you are today because of the way you think. If you wish to transform, change the way you think.
Mentally- Make the decision today to take responsibility for your choices and begin the process of transforming.
Emotionally- Make a decision to take control, make the choice to be happy and optimistic because life is worth living.
Spiritually- Find a place in your heart that you can connect yourself with something greater than you are.
Physically- Treat your body like the temple that it is. Start eating nutritious foods and giving your body the exercise it needs every day.
Financially- Time to stop ignoring what is going on and hit it head on. It’s not going away any time soon. If you don’t take care of your finances your finances won’t take care of you.
Seek the company of people that are doing good things in the world and set a high standard. Associating with people that are working and striving to bring about positive change, making decisions to change and therefore bringing about change helping where you can and expecting nothing in return
Make the best decision you can quickly and then work with the decision to make it right, stand behind your decision.
You control your thoughts, and you control your emotions. Never ask the question
“Why me?” but ask the question “why the heck not me?” Your choices have led you to your present. When faced with opposition or challenges, relish those times because that is when you have the biggest opportunity to grow.
Change can always be reversed but a TRANSFORMATION is complete and final.
When faced with adversity always look at it as an opportunity to make a choice. Adversity is never a problem; it is a chance to learn. Adversity is preparation for the greatness to come, so get prepared for something great.
Accept responsibility for all of your past
Accept responsibility for all of your success
You are in control of your thoughts and emotions
Accept responsibility for where you are in the present.
Take control of your future by making good choices today, in the present.
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