Are you ready to make a Change in your Life? Do you want more Time and Freedom? We can show you how we made the economy work for US

About Gordon & Shelli

Gordon and Shelli Thompson are internet marketers. Gordon has a background in real estate developing and building houses. Shelli has a background in fitness and dance. Together they make a dynamic team that has created a successful marketing company; Prati-Daa LLC.

We have had so much support from so many people and now we find ourselves in the position to give that back. We believe in a strong community and being active in bringing about positive change. Gordon has been bringing about positive change for years by providing new neighborhoods and much needed housing for a growing population. Shelli has changed lives by setting a positive example of being fit and maintaining a healthy diet. She has been certified in many different formats and taught fitness classes of most every type for 25 years.

Between us we would like to help 20 people to buy a house that they would not have otherwise been able to afford that fits into their budget. We have 7 families very happy and we just met with family number 8 today, they are very excited.

Gordon and Shelli have used their leadership skills to assist many people on the path to designing a lifestyle not just living their life. Their weekly online Magazine publication, Health Pulse Magazine and Meet Gordon and Shelli blog click here to go their blog are designed to encourage people to a lifestyle of health, wealth and freedom. They know what it feels like when you don’t think you have any options. We want people to know the options are as endless as the possibilities