My husband and I have lived a good life. Spending a major part of our life in our careers and being very successful. The hours were horrendous, we were compensated well but was it worth all of that time?
We deal with a lot of supposedly successful people every day.. Some are customers, some suppliers, some are friends and others just run in the same social circles as we do but there seems to be one common trait. It is something that we don't talk about very much. And that is that it can be HELL working for somebody else. You put in 10, 20, 30 years of your life working away to help someone else accomplish their dreams. You can be let go at any time and that is what you get for your loyalty. Many retirements have been cut in recent years or have gone away completely. Having your own "brick and mortar" business can be hell just the same. It's hard to find good employees and when you do find them; they don't come cheap. They could leave at any time and you would be stuck with all of the work. Maybe you don't know how that work was performed! (ouch). When you own a brick & mortar, the business at some point takes over your life. When that happens, things need to change, because your are no longer in control. We started looking online and have discovered a new way to do business.
The internet is the new "gold rush" but only much more profitable
I went online and started researching money making opportunities. And no, I was never one for network marketing, or MLM companies. I always had a "real" job, making real money. Most of the "opportunities" I found were time wasters at best and outright scams at worst. I started to search deeper and uncovered with my due diligence some real verifiable success stories. They were real people making money on line and they were willing to talk to me. I found out there are more millionaires created by the internet in the last 5 years than in the total history of mankind. That's pretty powerful, and caught my attention. When I started looking at these new millionairs I found out they were pretty "fresh behind the ears" because many of them are under 30 years old!
Internet millionaires make their own money running their own businesses
None of these successful young entrepreneurs made their fortunes in the fortune 500. They all started home based businesses and had big visions and worked their businesses with their big visions. I kept up my research, looking harder and turning over stones and realized that this was for real. Sure there are scams everywhere, not just on the internet. There are a few legitimate home based network marketing businesses that could produce verifiable results. The results were what amazed me. I never, even in my best year made $143,715 profit in one month, on line that happens frequently.
These new internet superstars have completely turned the old school approach to network marketing on it's head. One of the reasons some of them are so successful is because they got tired of being told how to do things the wrong way.
I am working less now than I have in years, having fun doing what I am doing. Building a community of new friends and business associates that are doing exactly what I am doing. That's good because I like to travel and go on really nice vacations and I know all of my associates will have the time and the money to go and see some really cool places with me.

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