It seems there's a surprise around every corner and all of them are not so pleasant.
There comes a time in life that a person needs to take a look around them. A really close look. At the people, the environment, the way something feels.
Are the people around you nurturing you in any way shape or form? Is the environment healthy and how about the way it feels?
All of us are looking for something better in our life. More money, a better relationship, kids that behave and show some respect, Stay young for ever (oops, did I slip that one in?).
It is true. The thing is that these are major changes. You can keep looking for change or you can step your foot out and make a move towards change. You need to be the change you are looking for, Because if you aren't, the change will NEVER happen
Life is short. But it is much to long if you are living in someones Else's nightmare.
And so there comes a time to let go. To understand that there are some environments that are just unhealthy and uncomfortable. There are just some people that are not willing to do their part. With those individuals all you can do is put forth just as much effort as they do. Eventually every thing "shakes out".
Letting go can be something that takes a while to do, or it can happen in an instant depending on what the situation is.
It is a release from being directly related emotionally to that place, person, or thing. To be able to say, "isn't that interesting" without allowing that item to change the structure of your emotions. To be interested but detached from the out-come.
Letting go.....it seems pretty simple. I'm here to tell you that it is not. There were many things in my life that I could not let go of. One of them was a relationship that was abusive mentally. I found that the more I worked on my own self, the clearer the picture became and the letting go began.
Put up the big stop sign on the people and things that take advantage or hurt you. Draw a line in the sand and let everyone know what you will tolerate and that you have choices. This will get you on the path to the mind set that you can change your life.
We all have choices. Make a choice today to be happy and healthy in your life, relationships and the way you choose to live.
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