We can identify people in each group. Just because you don't put in many, many hours does not mean that you don't work hard, it just means that you work smarter. So time doesn't really have anything to do with it, the RESULT of the work that is done is the marker.
You may put your 40 to 60 hours a week in, you have done your time. But what has been accomplished? I know people that work only 4 to 6 hours a day and accomplish a mountain. These are the people that know when to take a break.
No matter what type of work you do a break is always needed. No I don't mean the 10 minute variety. I'm talking a long weekend or a vacation. It is easy to work away and not pay any attention to our own needs. Whether or not you are getting results. If you aren't getting results you just want to work harder and a break is out of the question. Or maybe you are getting such fantastic results that you loose track of time and are having so much fun you don't feel the need for a break.
That is when you need one the most. Not referring to dropping everything in a crucial moment, need to be smart about your breaks and sometimes a little mysterious. When the mind relaxes it allows our creative self to take over and amazing ideas will appear to us.
It's hard to do at first, getting un-wound. But after the first day is gets easier. I am not suggesting that you take a break without a computer or a note pad at all. How are you going to write down all of the fantastic ideas that are going to start flying in?
Do your self a favor and get a breath of fresh air and then another and one after that and so on and so forth. Take 3 days for your self this weekend, it's a long weekend and things will be quiet.
Get your creative juices going and begin to feel a return to the self that you know you are, that is not the one that only knows how to work.
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